videogamedesign in Pixel Art

Post those pixels!

I got really inspired by @CheetoDeeto 's awesome game mockups that i wanted to to do the same with my game! to see what it will look like in the final version!


For day 465 of coding, I have applied the card flipping to both of the player's split hands

Screenshot from Act 2 of Sunset Beach

Still working on the Shrine and the surrounding floor (Kinda hate making floor tiles...) but here's the shape of the room with the water. Added some vines to the walls too, which you can even chop down!

...might need to fix them a little


Got the vendor system working! It's just using a flat 'gold' system as currency for now, which might be changed as I polish everything later. Also need to add UI sounds at some point.

DuudFell Once more

oh and the dialogue is in article


#UnderwaterDiving PRE-ALPHA DEMO 0.78.3

You are an #underwater #diver surrounded by aggressive #fish and #mines

USP: Energy <=> Life + Stamina + Oxygen

Watch 30s of #Gameplay 2024.04.23 from 0.75.0

DEMO also available on #Steam:


#NinjaScroller 1.59.9 with a BEST FLOW!!!

A challenging #PixelArt #ActionRunner game with a #Retrogaming vibe🕹️

You will face #Ninja🥷, #Wolf🐺 and #Tornado🌪️

Watch 30s of #Gameplay 2024.04.23

Also available on #Steam:

Everyone in game! Little animals are having fun!

Pixel art for today based on videogame Dino Land for game console Sega MegaDrive. It is some unusual game. About little animals.

🎉 Exciting news! Just finished the main menu for "Wrong Package!" 📦 Slow progress, but inching closer to the final product. Stay tuned for more updates! 🎮